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Rush: 2112 (Complete Album Drum Transcriptions) by Matthew Drumm
Transcription By: Drumm Transcriptions Type: Publication

Monday, February 22, 2021 at 7:28 pm -0700

Regular price $24.00 Sale

These are a note-for-note transcriptions of Neil Peart's drum parts from the album "2112". I strive to be detailed, accurate and create music that is easy to read. Each song is also available individually.

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This publication includes

Song Artist
2112: Overture/The Temples of Syrinx Rush
2112 (Complete Suite) Rush
2112: I. Overture Rush
2112: II. The Temples of Syrinx Rush
2112: III. Discovery Rush
2112: IV. Presentation Rush
2112: V. Oracle: The Dream Rush
2112: VI. Soliloquy Rush
2112: VII. Grand Finale Rush
A Passage to Bangkok Rush
The Twilight Zone Rush
Lessons Rush
Tears Rush
Something For Nothing Rush