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Drum Techniques of Led Zeppelin Note For Note Transcriptions
Transcription By: Alfred Music DTLZNFNT Type: Publication

Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 6:30 pm -0600

Regular price $15.66 Sale

John Bonham is one of the legends of rock 'n' roll, and his drumming style helped to elevate Led Zeppelin to greatness. This revised edition contains 23 of Bonham's most famous drum transcriptions from his work with the legendary Led Zeppelin. Also included are editor's notes from each record and note-for-note transcriptions.

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This publication includes

Song Artist
Good Times Bad Times Led Zeppelin
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Led Zeppelin
Dazed And Confused Led Zeppelin
Communication Breakdown Led Zeppelin
Whole Lotta Love Led Zeppelin
What Is And What Should Never Be Led Zeppelin
Heartbreaker Led Zeppelin
Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman) Led Zeppelin
Immigrant Song Led Zeppelin
Black Dog Led Zeppelin
Stairway To Heaven Led Zeppelin
Misty Mountain Hop Led Zeppelin
The Song Remains the Same Led Zeppelin
Over The Hills And Far Away Led Zeppelin
The Crunge Led Zeppelin
D'yer Mak'er Led Zeppelin
No Quartet Led Zeppelin
The Ocean Led Zeppelin
Custard Pie Led Zeppelin
The Wanton Song Led Zeppelin
Achilles Last Stand Led Zeppelin
Nobody's Fault But Mine Led Zeppelin
In Through the Out Door Led Zeppelin
Fool in the Rain Led Zeppelin