World's largest index + marketplace for drum transcriptions! We try to gather links & reviews in one place for everything available online and in print!

Artist: Transcription By: Cherry Lane Music MLDPA Type: Publication

Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 6:29 pm -0600

Regular price $2.99 Sale

The matching folio to the long awaited, hard-hitting new album featuring the drumming of Lars Ulrich.

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This publication includes

Song Artist
Ain't My Bitch Metallica
2 x 4 Metallica
The House Jack Built Metallica
Until It Sleeps Metallica
King Nothing Metallica
Hero Of The Day Metallica
Bleeding Me Metallica
Cure Metallica
Poor Twisted Me Metallica
Wasting My Hate Metallica
Mama Said Metallica
Thorn Within Metallica
Ronnie Metallica
The Outlaw Torn Metallica