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Artist: Transcription By: Hal Leonard WMTS Type: Publication

Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 6:28 pm -0600

Regular price $36.90 Sale

Here's the matching folio to Weezer's Maladroit, the critically adored 2002 release which arrived right on the heels of the band's wildly successful "Green" album. Includes note-for-note score of all of the charts.

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This publication includes

Song Artist
American Gigolo Weezer
Burndt Jamb Weezer
Death and Destruction Weezer
December Weezer
Dope Nose Weezer
Fall Together Weezer
Keep Fishin Weezer
Love Explosion Weezer
Possibilities Weezer
Slave Weezer
Slob Weezer
Space Rock Weezer
Take Control Weezer